is really nice to write a note again.I want to talk about my days in
Chiayi County. I have told you about the three professors who taught in
my class, thenI also have a professor in Chinese class, she will teach
us about Chineselanguage. First time learning Chinese is interesting but
quite difficult. Justimagine you have to learn about ABC’s again. You
have to read “B” as a “Pe” ,“P” as a “ phe” and the other, I really bad
when I am pronouncing “ Zh, Ch, Sh “. I can distinguish these
threeletters. Then you have to use tones, andI still confused
practicing tones. Ithink I will get bad score in Chinese class. I love
Chinese letter, I foundthat Chinese language and letter are so
beautiful. If someday I will be good atChinese I will write my diary in
Chinese. And also it’s so lovely to hearChinese language.
We take Chinese class every Friday at10.00 A.M in Lantan Campus it is about 40 minutes taking bus from Minshiungcampus. Our campus already prepared a bus for us and the driver will pick usevery 09.10 A.M or be leaved if we late.
AfterChinese class we have to take “Learning Strategies” course. Our professor is agood professor and a little bit serious. Actually all of our professor is kind,humble,good and really care for us. Even our vice president, I and April methim accidently last Thursday, and my God he is just so humble for us.
Then in last Friday we attended ISAfirst meeting and sang Indonesian song there. We ate Indonesian food and thatwas for the first time after one week arrived in Taiwan. NCYU have a lot ofInternational Students from Indonesia, French, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Peruand Mongolia. Actually so many foreign students here but some of them takeoverseas, some of Indonesian student also enrolled as overseas student.
Istill don’t know how to ride bicycle and its make me a little bit worry becauseI have to inconvenience my friend especially Misi. She always gets a ride forme and it’s disturbing me a lot even though I already sing all along the road.
Every Sunday the Baptist church willpick up us. And last Sunday they prepare 2 preachers one in Chinese and one inEnglish. Actually I enjoy the worship even thought I didn’t really get whatthey said. I just made my own worship and pray. After the Sunday service endedwe took lunch together. It’s really good to be at this community feels like I’mhome when I come to this church. The church already prepares a special Sundayservice for us to the next weeks. It will be full in English and we will takedifferent room, the Chinese service is in upstairs and ours will be held indownstairs.
And, about dormitory, I already wrote it in mylast note, I have 2 Taiwanese friends both of them have the first name from “J”.I will not write their name here, that is privacy right?
Theyare so kind, nice and humble, one of them can speak English clearly but theother one, we have to use Google translate. But we enjoy that.
Justnow we back from Chiayi Night Market. Misi Got ride for me, it is good and funspending my time in back then I can sing a song for my driver. Actually we justusing bicycle to train station then we buy ticket round trip to Chiayi, if wejust buy 1 trip we have to pay 15 NTD but if we take for round trip we justneed to pay 28, that means we saving 2 NTD.
Actuallyour Taiwanese friend also didn’t know where to go, she tought that we know thatnight market because we said that we ever visit Chiayi City (we live inMinshiung Township). But that is not a problem because she can speak Taiwanese;if she doesn’t then we get trouble.
MyIndonesian friend say that this city is not big, but I think Chiayi is a bigcity compares to Medan. There are so many things that I adore in this city,first the is no rubbish here, Taiwan people have their own responsibility tothis city, so Chiayi is a clean city. Second, I never meet parking man here andI never here the klaxon or driver shouted to the other driver. So even thoughtthis is a big city (for me) there is no noisy. There are so many good thingshere.
In night market we try Taiwanesefood, but maybe some of them not suitable yet with our taste. Indonesian,especially Bataknese love spicy and salty food, we even love to eat chili. My Taiwanesefriend ask me “ Are you full ?”
“I am a truly Indonesian and Bataknese, It’s hard to say we are full withouteating rice “
Thereis so much things I want to write here, I’ll write about that in the next time.I have to prepare my class for tomorrow, and it is late already..
We take Chinese class every Friday at10.00 A.M in Lantan Campus it is about 40 minutes taking bus from Minshiungcampus. Our campus already prepared a bus for us and the driver will pick usevery 09.10 A.M or be leaved if we late.
AfterChinese class we have to take “Learning Strategies” course. Our professor is agood professor and a little bit serious. Actually all of our professor is kind,humble,good and really care for us. Even our vice president, I and April methim accidently last Thursday, and my God he is just so humble for us.
Then in last Friday we attended ISAfirst meeting and sang Indonesian song there. We ate Indonesian food and thatwas for the first time after one week arrived in Taiwan. NCYU have a lot ofInternational Students from Indonesia, French, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Peruand Mongolia. Actually so many foreign students here but some of them takeoverseas, some of Indonesian student also enrolled as overseas student.
Istill don’t know how to ride bicycle and its make me a little bit worry becauseI have to inconvenience my friend especially Misi. She always gets a ride forme and it’s disturbing me a lot even though I already sing all along the road.
Every Sunday the Baptist church willpick up us. And last Sunday they prepare 2 preachers one in Chinese and one inEnglish. Actually I enjoy the worship even thought I didn’t really get whatthey said. I just made my own worship and pray. After the Sunday service endedwe took lunch together. It’s really good to be at this community feels like I’mhome when I come to this church. The church already prepares a special Sundayservice for us to the next weeks. It will be full in English and we will takedifferent room, the Chinese service is in upstairs and ours will be held indownstairs.
And, about dormitory, I already wrote it in mylast note, I have 2 Taiwanese friends both of them have the first name from “J”.I will not write their name here, that is privacy right?
Theyare so kind, nice and humble, one of them can speak English clearly but theother one, we have to use Google translate. But we enjoy that.
Justnow we back from Chiayi Night Market. Misi Got ride for me, it is good and funspending my time in back then I can sing a song for my driver. Actually we justusing bicycle to train station then we buy ticket round trip to Chiayi, if wejust buy 1 trip we have to pay 15 NTD but if we take for round trip we justneed to pay 28, that means we saving 2 NTD.
Actuallyour Taiwanese friend also didn’t know where to go, she tought that we know thatnight market because we said that we ever visit Chiayi City (we live inMinshiung Township). But that is not a problem because she can speak Taiwanese;if she doesn’t then we get trouble.
MyIndonesian friend say that this city is not big, but I think Chiayi is a bigcity compares to Medan. There are so many things that I adore in this city,first the is no rubbish here, Taiwan people have their own responsibility tothis city, so Chiayi is a clean city. Second, I never meet parking man here andI never here the klaxon or driver shouted to the other driver. So even thoughtthis is a big city (for me) there is no noisy. There are so many good thingshere.
In night market we try Taiwanesefood, but maybe some of them not suitable yet with our taste. Indonesian,especially Bataknese love spicy and salty food, we even love to eat chili. My Taiwanesefriend ask me “ Are you full ?”
“I am a truly Indonesian and Bataknese, It’s hard to say we are full withouteating rice “
Thereis so much things I want to write here, I’ll write about that in the next time.I have to prepare my class for tomorrow, and it is late already..
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