Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

Welcoming Trip Welcoming heart

                ISA and our campus prepared welcoming trip for new students. And today is the day. The bus picked up us at 09.10, when they say 09.10, it must be 09.10. From Minshiung we are going to pick some students from Jinde dorm. Students in Jinde dorm mostly take MTM and business and some economics courses (I think). It needs around 15 minutes taking bus to Jinde. I think that w
e have to pick up students from Lantan campus, but I was wrong, they have their own bus. So today we visited Xingang and Bantaoyao. Actually I just visited Bantaoyao last Wednesday with friends and our professor. So I was a little bit not curious about this trip.
            Xinggang Township is one of 18 townships in Chiayi County. Xinggang is about in the west of Minshoung township, where we live in (I’m not sure about direction; I’m notgood at it). We arrived in Xinggang The Incense arts cultural park around 10.00PM or before. Xinggang The Incense Arts Cultural Park is the place that represent the way to make Incense for Buddhism or Taoism to pray. Actually inthis trip my Taiwanese buddy, Yuki also go with me. Yuki told me a lot  of things a long this trip. In Xinggang we saw many things such as how the incense is made, saw the statue of Gods (Yukisaid that Taoism and Buddhism share the same Gods).
They also sell some products just like soap, perfume, incense, bracelet, key chains and more.
We finished our trip in Xinggang at11.00 A.M then we continue our trip to Bantaoyao.

             Bantaoyao Craft Studio, I visited this placelast Wednesday. We started our trip here with lunch. Then we have free time sowe can go anywhere but have to come back at 01.30 P.M. me and my friends go around then looking for a good spot to take some photos. In Bantaoyao you can see a big fish maybe some of the fish are koi fish (I’m not sure about the ”koi” in English),the other fish, I’m not sure about that fish I think that is goldfish brother of tilapia fish in Toba lake. When Bataknese see that fish maybe all we want to do is to put them in to the griddle, put some “ andaliman”, then we can make “arsik” or “ naniura”. But koi fish is not for consuming.
            Afterwards we have painting class. I thought they will give me a ceramics plate then I can paint it. I already made a concept in my mind that I will write a message that I am accepted from my mother last week, “ How are you ? “ that is the most romantic words in this world for me right now. I also want to paint my home with hills in the west. A great concept but that concept is just concept when they gave m ea plywood and a small ceramics.
But I’m not that sad. I made a new concept;I made my home from that small ceramics. My home is painted with blue, and then I made a blue ceramics, one door and two windows. Actually I just have one window in façade of my house but I put 2 windows because every time I draw ahouse I always make 2 windows. My ceramics work is not so good but I can’t say that is bad because everybody has its own judge, my father will say that isgreat. So I have my own house just the same like in my village.
            There after we visited museum. It was talking about when Bantaoyao established, statue about 8 gods that crossed the sea with Mazu god (Yuki said that She praise Mazu and respect the other). She said that mostly everybody has one God the most and respect the other gods, because they have gods. Here, peacock has a good meaning. In my country when I was a kid, I told Yuki, peacock has bad meaning because peacock is beautiful then it became symbolize vanity or snobbery.
I really admire how this little city has Bantaoyao. How this museum exist and how they represent their culture. It is so beautiful and inspire.
            Ah my buddy, Yuki. She has a long hair with bangs, I also have bangs. Yuki always speak slowly and softly than me (of course). I told her that Bataknese always speak loudly,people think that we are angry anytime but we are not angry it is just dialectfor us. Yuki told me many things today. She will go back to Tainan right afterwe arrived in Minshiung.
It is so good to have this trip today. Wecan learn Taiwanese culture and we can practice our creativity. I’m not sure about this writing, I just try to make recall memories in words because I’m notgood both of in Photos or ceramics. Thank you every one.

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